Thursday, 7 November 2013

The Oliver Potter Show

Today as a class, we discussed how to produce a live television show. We went over the main equipment needed and the way it needs to be set up. To produce a live television show, a technique called Multi-Camera has to be used. This means that there is more than one camera is set up to be able to capture the same shot but from different angles. This is a good technique to use when filming live.

Some examples of programmes that we thought would potentially use multi-camera are;
- Concerts
- Sports Games
- Interviews
- Current Affairs
- News Shows

After discussing all the elements needed to produce this sort of production, we worked out all the job roles that are needed to actually manage the production. These can be seen in the blog named 'Studio Roles'.

Here are some pictures of our set and camera operators as evidence of our work and also so we know where everything goes when it comes to setting up the set again. One of these pictures also shows an example of Multi-Camera;

Example of Multi-Camera Technique

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