Thursday, 21 November 2013

Music Video Proposal

RGO Productions,
South Essex College,
Luker Road,

Dear Mr Summerson, 

    As a production company, we propose to produce a music video for the song 'The Power of Love' by Gabrielle Aplin. We thought it would be a good idea to use the idea of a girl who is using dance to change her inner self. In her past, she had a bad childhood leading to her being aggressive and violent as a teen. After coming close to suicide, she realises that their is another way of realising her anger. Through dance. Watching videos of various famous dancers on youtube, she tries to become them, take on their skills and turn her own life into one of theirs. Whilst walking home from her dance studio, she has to walk through a secluded wood where she seems to gather her thoughts. As she walks towards the camera, shots are shown over the top of the current one but their opacity has been reduced, making them look almost like daydreams or nightmares. Flashbacks of her arguing with her family and her boyfriend contrast to the shots of famous dancers performing different moves. We thought that putting the whole video in slow motion would be better as it would match the tempo of the song and also would be more emotional. Also in the post-production process, we would like to make the entire video black and white making the audience focus more on what is happening and reduces the amount of visual information given to the audience.

    The main character in this video will be played by one of our production team members, Georgia Leach. She will play the girl and portray her feelings and emotions through her facial expression and her body language. We all agreed that she would be best for the part because she has experience in dancing and acting so she would know exactly how the girl may be feeling. The part of the family member will be played by another member of our production team, Oliver Potter. We all believed that he would be the best for this part as he didn't want a huge part in the video but wanted to make an appearance. The boyfriend will be played by Jack Lambert. As he as a real connection with the lead, we thought that the emotions will be best portrayed by these two people. 

The locations we chose to use were very specific to the happenings of the video. We chose to film the majority of the video in a bare room that we can use to resemble a dance studio. By using the mirrors in the studio we can get a good refection of the actor and also it will help when needing to film from different angles. By using a wooded area for the thought part of our video, we all agreed that it would be easier as there are no other distractions around to avert the audiences thoughts and they can really focus on what is happening to the actor and what they are going through. We need to make this part of the video really emotional and meaningful because it is where the audience get the best insight to why the actor is doing what she is doing and what is holding her back. This particular scene gives the video more reason and understanding. For our final location, we thought a house would be best as it is where most domestic and relationship problems occur. Even though the location isn't seen much, the extent of it is portrayed through the actors and it also shows that not everyone feels safe in their own home.

When making this video, we intend our audience to range between mid teens to young adults. This is because some of the issues raised in the video may be able to relate to it more easier. But after some discussion, we agreed that our video may appeal to a more older generation as the song was originally sung by 'Frankie Goes to Hollywood' in the early 1980's. As a general summery to our video, it would be said that a girl was willing to change herself to become a better person and follow her dreams to become a dancer but is being held back by her family and friends. Instead of supporting her in her actions, they are also causing grief for her and always putting her down. We really want to try and establish the feeling of loneliness, loss, love and power throughout the video as these are the feelings that we felt when listening to the song. 

Some of the major participants in the making of our music video are South Essex College as they will be providing equipment needed to film the video. A member of the production teams family will also be taking part in the music video. Some of our colleagues will also be helping us with the production side of the process. 

The overall look of our music video will be quite dark with the use of black and white which will be added in the post-production section of the process. Also we will slow the shoe video down making it match the tempo of the song and also to make sure that the audience really focus on the visuals and the lyrics instead of where they are and what they are wearing. 

Yours Sincerely,

Members of RGO Production Company

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