Our music video will last approximately 4:35 minutes and will contain 3 main actors and 3 crew members. It will be of a low budget and will be easy and affordable to produce and market.
Outline Script;
- Concept;
- A girl who is using dance to change her inner self. In her past, she had a bad childhood leading to her being aggressive and violent as a teen. After coming close to suicide, she realises that their is another way of realising her anger. Through dance. Watching videos of various famous dancers on youtube, she tries to become them, take on their skills and turn her own life into one of theirs. Whilst walking home from her dance studio, she has to walk through a secluded wood where she seems to gather her thoughts. As she walks towards the camera, shots are shown over the top of the current one but their opacity has been reduced, making them look almost like daydreams or nightmares. Flashbacks of her arguing with her family and her boyfriend contrast to the shots of famous dancers performing different moves.
Every production has a specific budget to stick to and as a group, we estimated that a realistic budget for our music video will be about £25. With this small amount, we will be able to afford minimal train fares if needed to get to the locations and if we have to buy certain elements such as props, we will be able to afford them from a charity shop or even from our own possessions. As we are closely collaborating with South Essex College throughout the entire process, we have been given the permission to use their facilities for free. This will include equipment hire and also the use of the college campus as a potential location. We all agreed that this will help in reducing the budget and we won't need to make the budget a priority throughout.
Personnel Involved;
There are a lot of different personnel involved in making a music video and after discussing as a group we decided that their will be 3 main job roles to fulfil. A director is one of the main people throughout the whole production. They are involved in all 3 processes and have the last word about ideas and changes that will happen. The camera operator will film all the different shots and is involved in more the pre-production and the production stages. They can have an involvement in the editing stages of the process but the decision usually lies with the director. The third main job role we decided was an Arts Director. Someone who will be in charge of set, props, costume and makeup. In our music video these are very crucial parts that need to be addressed in a professional manor. All three of these roles are vital for our production but there are also some minor roles that will be addressed as well such as 'Health and Safety' and 'Editor'.
Contingency Plan;
Our contingency plan is very basic and clear because we know what we are going to do if something goes wrong. For example, if a piece of equipment breaks, we have planned to have a back-up camera which is closest to the quality of the first camera. The location may be unavailable on the day of shooting so we may have to find a new one. Knowing this is quite liable to happen, we have already planned a second location and we have already gained access through the owner. As the actors in our video are part of the crew, it is very unlikely that there will be any trouble with them not being at the shoot but if is does happen, we will always have something else to do like providing evidence of recent filming events we have undertook. As we have a location outside, we have to be careful about the weather conditions as it is coming into the winter months. If this is a problem, we have already discussed another potential idea instead of using an outside location. Weather can be a huge problem when it comes to filming in outdoor locations so we have to make that a priority on days of filming.
When researching potential song choices for our music video, we came across a lot of songs that sounded pretty much the same. After listening through a variety of different songs, we thought that 'The Power of Love' was the best out of the lot. This is because the lyrics have a true meaning and fit well with the tempo and pitch of the music. We also thought that this would be an easy music video to market as the song appeals to a lot of different people. As we found out, it was originally sung by 'Frankie Goes To Hollywood' in the early 1980's and it was remade by Gabrielle Aplin in 2012. Using this information, we all agreed that it would appeal both to the older generation and also to the younger generation too. The lyrics can be taken in many ways and we thought that it would be easier to create a music video knowing that any idea would work just as well.
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