Wednesday, 22 January 2014

DROGE NEWS - Proposal

DROGE Productions,
South Essex College,
Luker Road,

Dear Sir/Madam,

We propose to produce a news programme addressing the most recent current affairs throughout society. We will deliver stories based on TV and Film, linking in with the Southend Film Festival and new film releases. For this section, we are going to pre-record on the spot interviews with people that attended the film festival and also people that took part as a spokesperson. When it comes to new film releases, we planned to get peoples personal opinions through on the spot interviews and questionnaires. Another topic we will be covering is 'Local News'. In this, we will report one of the most important stories at the time. At this point, we are researching 'The Missing Boy in Scotland'. The last topic we are going to be looking into is the importance of published celebrity weightless and the effects it has on the general public. By interviewing members of the public and researching into what effects it has had on certain people, we can gain very reliable and believable information that we can then deliver to our audience.

The main presenter in our 'News Show' is Liam Glyde. We thought that he would fit into the role really well as he has the confidence and is very comfortable in front of the camera. For the pre-recored sections of our show, the questions to the public will be asked by one of our group members as they will not be on camera and won't be contributing too much in the scene. We wanted to make all the interviews about the public and not focus on who is asking the questions.

When making this news report, we intend that our audience range between the ages of 15 to 30. The type of people that we really intend to aim are people that are interested in different forms of media and the way things get shown to different audiences. By using the concept of our show, we realised that because teenagers are young, they are easily manipulated by pictures in magazines and on television and they all believe that you need to be skinny to be happy. Not just aiming at teenagers, we thought that this show could relate to the older generation as they feel like as they are getting older, they won't be as attractive as some celebrities the same age.

Some major participants in the making of our news show are South Essex College as they will be supplying a potential location and also the equipment. All of our colleagues in our class have been allocated job roles so they will be able to help us in the making of the production. When discussing the visual aspect of the show, we decided that looking formal and sophisticated would be best because it would be easier for the audience to take it seriously and actually listen to what is being said.

Yours Sincerely,

DROGE Productions

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