Thursday, 19 September 2013


In some films, an element of conflict is used to help create a disequilibrium through out the film. A genre that is most famous for the use of conflict is 'romantic comedy'. The nature of these films are that the characters have to be kept apart in some way to then be brought together at the end. Conflict is probably the most common structure of these types of films.

Examples of films that have used conflict as a basic structure are;
Romeo and Juliet - In this film, the two main characters are kept apart over a family feud but all is resolved at the end.
Dear John - This film is based around the war and that is the exact thing that is keeping the lovers apart.
50 First Dates - The conflict in this film isnt one that is commonly used but the problems of living with short term memory lose keeps Lucy and Henry having a real future together.

In a previous lesson, Elliott and I created a story that used that conflict of the caste system. The story was based around the love between a rich girl and a poor boy. The father of the girl doesn't approve of the couples love for each other so he doesn't give his blessing for the marriage.

Our film was based around one of the common conflicts in the world. The caste system is very popular in certain religions such as those in the far east. We chose to base it on this because it is a common problem that keeps many people apart.

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