Thursday, 19 June 2014

Research for the BBC

- The BBC is vericatlly integrated because all the programmes they produce are all owned by the same company.

- BBC World Service received £70m of extra funding from the UK Government for the three year period from 2008/2009 to 2010/2011. 
-Within the United Kingdom, its work is funded principally by an annual television license fee, in which all british households are charged alongside all companies and organisations who are using any type of equipment to receive live television broadcasts.
The licence fee has, however, attracted criticism. It has been argued that in an age of multi stream, multi-channel availability, an obligation to pay a licence fee is no longer appropriate. The BBC's use of private sector company Capita Group to send letters to premises not paying the licence fee has been criticised

The BBC or the British Broadcasting Corportation is a British public service broadcasting corporation. One of its main responsibilities is to provide impartial public service broadcasting to the UK, the channel islands and the Isle of Man. Even though it is headquartered in the Broadcasting House in London, the BBC own other major production centres located across the UK, some of which are in Belfast, Birmingham, Bristol, Cardiff and Glasgow. 

The BBC has the second largest budget of any other UK-based broadcaster with an operating expenditure of $.808 billion in the years 2011/2012. Comparing this to other british broadcasting companies, British Sky Broadcasting took just over £5.9 billion, ITV gained £1.9 billion and £124 million for GCap Media (the largest commercial radio broadcaster). Throughout the UK, the BBC work is funded through annual license fees in which all British households are charged alongside all other companies and organisations who use any type of equipment to receive live television broadcasts. This license fee, however, began to attract a lot of criticism. It has previously been argued that in the age of multi streaming and multi channel availability, the obligation to pay a license fee was no longer necessary. The cost of this license is set by the government and enforced by the criminal law. Costing british households £145.50 a year, the price has risen by 2% since April 2010 but the government have allowed all blind citizens to have a 50% discount on their license fee. 

The BBC is owned by the Government of United Kingdom meaning it is 'Publicly Owned'. The executive board manages the BBC and it is responsible for the operational management and for the right delivery of the BBC services. The board delegates some of its responsibilities to for subcommittees including 'Audit', 'Fair Trading, 'Nominations' and 'Remuneration'. The audit is in charge of keeping track of what money is being spent on what parts of the business. They basically look after the accounts of the company, making sure that money isn't wasted on things that dont need to be paid for. A group of people get together to discuss Fair Trading, meaning that talk about whether the money in the company is being exchanged fairly, so that everyone is getting a fair amount for the work they are doing. The committee in charge of Nominations and Remunerations cover the importance that the members of the BBC are getting paid correctly for the work they are doing. Being vertically integrated, the BBC are able to keep all of the money and ideas within the company. This helps because the company doesn't have the worry of having to trust other people and the worry of wasting time trying to find different companies to help develop their ideas. 

Audit - Keeping a track of money, accounts, checking what is being spent on what 

Fair trading - making sure money that is exchanged is fairly done

Nominations - Insuring  everyone is paid correctly 

Remuneration - Wages. 

public - accountable for how it spends its money because its the publics money 

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