- The BBC is vericatlly integrated because all the programmes they produce are all owned by the same company.
- BBC World Service received £70m of extra funding from the UK Government for the three year period from 2008/2009 to 2010/2011.
-Within the United Kingdom, its work is
funded principally by an annual television license fee, in which all british
households are charged alongside all companies and organisations
who are using any type of equipment to receive live television broadcasts.
The licence fee has, however, attracted criticism. It has been argued that in an age of multi stream, multi-channel availability, an obligation to pay a licence fee is no longer appropriate. The BBC's use of private sector company Capita Group to send letters to premises not paying the licence fee has been criticised
The BBC or the British Broadcasting Corportation is a British public service broadcasting corporation. One of its main responsibilities is to provide impartial public service broadcasting to the UK, the channel islands and the Isle of Man. Even though it is headquartered in the Broadcasting House in London, the BBC own other major production centres located across the UK, some of which are in Belfast, Birmingham, Bristol, Cardiff and Glasgow.
The BBC has the second largest budget of any other UK-based broadcaster with an operating expenditure of $.808 billion in the years 2011/2012. Comparing this to other british broadcasting companies, British Sky Broadcasting took just over £5.9 billion, ITV gained £1.9 billion and £124 million for GCap Media (the largest commercial radio broadcaster). Throughout the UK, the BBC work is funded through annual license fees in which all British households are charged alongside all other companies and organisations who use any type of equipment to receive live television broadcasts. This license fee, however, began to attract a lot of criticism. It has previously been argued that in the age of multi streaming and multi channel availability, the obligation to pay a license fee was no longer necessary. The cost of this license is set by the government and enforced by the criminal law. Costing british households £145.50 a year, the price has risen by 2% since April 2010 but the government have allowed all blind citizens to have a 50% discount on their license fee.
The BBC is owned by the Government of United Kingdom meaning it is 'Publicly Owned'. The executive board manages the BBC and it is responsible for the operational management and for the right delivery of the BBC services. The board delegates some of its responsibilities to for subcommittees including 'Audit', 'Fair Trading, 'Nominations' and 'Remuneration'. The audit is in charge of keeping track of what money is being spent on what parts of the business. They basically look after the accounts of the company, making sure that money isn't wasted on things that dont need to be paid for. A group of people get together to discuss Fair Trading, meaning that talk about whether the money in the company is being exchanged fairly, so that everyone is getting a fair amount for the work they are doing. The committee in charge of Nominations and Remunerations cover the importance that the members of the BBC are getting paid correctly for the work they are doing. Being vertically integrated, the BBC are able to keep all of the money and ideas within the company. This helps because the company doesn't have the worry of having to trust other people and the worry of wasting time trying to find different companies to help develop their ideas.
Audit - Keeping a track of money, accounts, checking what is being spent on what
Fair trading - making sure money that is exchanged is fairly done
Nominations - Insuring everyone is paid correctly
Remuneration - Wages.
public - accountable for how it spends its money because its the publics money
50181007 Rosie Smith Level 3 TV&Film
Thursday, 19 June 2014
I didn't use a lot of websites as I found all the information I needed on slideshare and wikipedia.
I didn't use a lot of websites as I found all the information I needed on slideshare and wikipedia.
Wednesday, 18 June 2014
References are made in the table shown in the link above.
Tuesday, 17 June 2014
No visuals are shown for the first 30 seconds of the film. First part of the voiceover will be played over the top of a black screen.
Its funny isn't it. We live the first 18 years of our life complaining and moaning about our parents, not knowing that everything can change within an instance. Suddenly your life is flipped upside down, turning it into something all people would have nightmares about. Suddenly its like your life is smothered in loads of different emotions. Sadness, regret and now all the bad things you've said about them come back into your mind. Your 18th birthday was meant to be one to remember. And mine defiantly was but for the wrong reasons. My name is holly, and this is my story...
VISUALS- House Scene,
Extreme Close-Up of Hollys eyes opening quickly, then zooming out to see her lying in bed, no makeup. A POV shot from Holly's eyes looking at her clock to see what time it is. Then back to Holly, fading to white.
Fading from white to her washing her face in the bathroom, doing her everyday chores, washing her face, getting ready for the day ahead.
I never thought I would ever have a life where my parents wouldn't be around. Not being there to watch me grow up, graduate from university, see me get married to the man of my dreams, not having my dad walking next to me down the aisle and never giving me away whilst mum sat in the front row seat she always wanted, sobbing her heart out, looking after my kids when I need a break, my children never knowing how wonderful their Nan and grandad were. Their lives taken away from me before they even started and its left just me. Alone, very alone. Getting lost in my thoughts, attempting to clear my mind. I just stop and think what if we didn't go out, what if i didn't say i wanted to go out for my birthday, is it my fault my parents are dead? My dad was always a true believer of 'When the time is right, it will happen'. Every night, i lay in bed and think 'was that really the right time!?' because i don't believe it was.
I am, well was… very much a daddy's girl, obviously i loved mum unconditionally but, dad and i had this bond, this special connection, we were so close, always together, messing around in the garden and just generally having a laugh ill always remember a time when i was a little girl and daddy picked me up and sat me down on his lap. I remember the words he said to me as if it was yesterday.'Don't ever let somebody tell you, you can't do something. Not even me. If you've got a dream, you've got to protect it and that if you wanted something, you had to go and get it.' This has stuck with me since i was old enough to remember, he has really inspired and motivated me to succeed in what ever i want to do. To hold onto my dreams and make the best attempt i can to make them come true.
My mum was a wise woman, always knew the answer to my problems. She always used to say to me wherever there is a problem, theres a solution.
The camera is faced up to the sky you can see the sun through the trees. You can hear the birds tweeting.
I love the way my mum knew when I was upset, she would look at me, head tilted and she opened her arms and warmly invited me in, she always smelt as fresh as a daisy.
While she says that she is sniffing a daisy and looking at the camera.
My mum was beautiful. i miss her so much. I miss the way she used to scream my full name when she was mad at me, i miss the way she used to hassle me every five minutes to do things, but the thing I am going to miss the most is seeing her everyday.
A quite piano piece starts to play peacefully in the back ground. Slow motion clip of Holly walking and turning around facing the camera walking backwards, then turning back around as she has turned completely around the camera shows a ECU of just her eyes, while this shot is happening the dialogue is going on. Each question she asks changes to a different facial part, Her Eyes, Her Nose, Her Mouth, Her Ears and the back of her head (showing all of her hair.)
Where are they now? are they happy? are they safe? can they see me? what do i do now? just get on with life? learn to live with the fact my parents are dead?
Nothing is or will ever be the same without them. Everyone used to say to me 'Your 18th birthday is going to be one to remember' and it is... one that i remember because its the day i lost my parents. The two people I loved no matter what. Two people that are meant to be around to guide you as you are growing up. But I don't have that anymore. When i see people walk along the street laughing and joking with their parents. I envy those people. I get so jealous because that was taken away from me by someone who was too harsh to even care who he hurt.
I do everything for them, dedicate everything I do to them. I just really hope they are proud of me.
Friday, 13 June 2014
Primary and Secondary Research
The difference between primary and secondary research is where it is sourced and who it is collected.
Primary Research
This is collected by YOU. By going out, performing interviews and surveys. Other various methods of collecting primary data is questionnaires, experiments and also direct observation. There are many advantages of this such as the researcher can focus on both qualitative and quantitative issues, they are able to address specific research issues as the researcher is able to control the search designs to fit their needs. This means that the researcher has great control over what information is collected. Taking this into account, the researcher can then decide of the size of the requirements needed to fit the project, time frame and end result. Gaining all these advantages come with disadvantages such as it can be very expensive to carry out. Linking this with secondary research, it will cost you a lot more to carry out. Costs may rise when it comes to methods like questionnaires as the paper has to be brought and the costs of printing them out. Some research projects involve offering information that can be quite valuable and may not be available to the researcher. One of the main disadvantages is that by the time the research has been completed, the information may be out of date of the response rate the researcher has received might have been poor.
Primary research tends to be more reliable as it tends to be more truthful and realistic whereas secondary research tends to be made up for the sake of it or complete lies meaning you will be giving you audience false information breaking your trust barrier with them.
Secondary Research - Also known as desk research
This is collected by others. You can find this type of research by reading books, looking on the internet of asking an expert. There are many different advantages to using secondary research such as that is really easy to access. All you have to do is visit a library to use your own computer. It doesn't cost anything to do this research but if it does, it will cost very little meaning that this information is less inconvenient when it comes to money to carry out. Advantages always come with disadvantages but secondary research doesn't have many. The quality of the research will vary depending on where you get it from. Some websites might be telling the truth but then others may be lying or making it up. This means you may be giving out false data to your audience when presenting a television programme or a film. Some of the research methods suggested to you might not be as useful as you thought meaning you have wasted time looking for it. When using information from books and the internet, you have to be careful about the date it was published as it may be out of date meaning it is not true.
What is the purpose of research?
The main purpose of research is to help plan and gather information on a certain topic before carrying it out. Research is conducted to prove or disprove a hypotheses or to learn new facts about a specific subject. Research also helps you prove or disprove something adding support to your argument. It also comes in handy when you are trying to monitor a situation and also assessing it. If you have to develop a model of a a situation, it would be easy to complete as you will already have all the information you need.
Why is research needed?
Research is needed for many reasons but some of the main ones are to be able to learn new facts and figures. This can help when trying to pitch an idea or have an argument with someone. Linking into why research is needed, it is used a lot when supporting an argument, giving you a strong corner to fight. It also helps when it comes to having to prove something is correct or disprove something giving the viewers a true insight to what is being said.
Who needs it?
A list of main people that will need research is below;
- Book authors; so that their books are as truthful as possible
- Scriptwriters for documentaries; meaning that their shows are real and not being made up meaning false information is given to the audience.
- Interviewers; they need the research to be able to conduct a strong interview with the interviewee.
- Interviewees; they need to be able to give strong knowledgable answers to the interviewer.
Who does the research?
In the film and TV industry, people are hired to perform research gaining more information for the programme or film so they are able to present it to their audiences. These people are sent out to conduct both primary and secondary research using various methods including surveys and interviews. After gathering the information, they then report back to the director and scriptwriter so they are then able to create an informative script for the production.
When researching for my own project where i had to create a 20 minute news programme, i completed a lot of research including using different websites to gather information and also as a group i went and spoke to different members of the public gathering information from the publics point of view. I found this quite easy as i have completed this type of research before during other projects.
Primary Research
This is collected by YOU. By going out, performing interviews and surveys. Other various methods of collecting primary data is questionnaires, experiments and also direct observation. There are many advantages of this such as the researcher can focus on both qualitative and quantitative issues, they are able to address specific research issues as the researcher is able to control the search designs to fit their needs. This means that the researcher has great control over what information is collected. Taking this into account, the researcher can then decide of the size of the requirements needed to fit the project, time frame and end result. Gaining all these advantages come with disadvantages such as it can be very expensive to carry out. Linking this with secondary research, it will cost you a lot more to carry out. Costs may rise when it comes to methods like questionnaires as the paper has to be brought and the costs of printing them out. Some research projects involve offering information that can be quite valuable and may not be available to the researcher. One of the main disadvantages is that by the time the research has been completed, the information may be out of date of the response rate the researcher has received might have been poor.
Primary research tends to be more reliable as it tends to be more truthful and realistic whereas secondary research tends to be made up for the sake of it or complete lies meaning you will be giving you audience false information breaking your trust barrier with them.
Secondary Research - Also known as desk research
This is collected by others. You can find this type of research by reading books, looking on the internet of asking an expert. There are many different advantages to using secondary research such as that is really easy to access. All you have to do is visit a library to use your own computer. It doesn't cost anything to do this research but if it does, it will cost very little meaning that this information is less inconvenient when it comes to money to carry out. Advantages always come with disadvantages but secondary research doesn't have many. The quality of the research will vary depending on where you get it from. Some websites might be telling the truth but then others may be lying or making it up. This means you may be giving out false data to your audience when presenting a television programme or a film. Some of the research methods suggested to you might not be as useful as you thought meaning you have wasted time looking for it. When using information from books and the internet, you have to be careful about the date it was published as it may be out of date meaning it is not true.
What is the purpose of research?
The main purpose of research is to help plan and gather information on a certain topic before carrying it out. Research is conducted to prove or disprove a hypotheses or to learn new facts about a specific subject. Research also helps you prove or disprove something adding support to your argument. It also comes in handy when you are trying to monitor a situation and also assessing it. If you have to develop a model of a a situation, it would be easy to complete as you will already have all the information you need.
Why is research needed?
Research is needed for many reasons but some of the main ones are to be able to learn new facts and figures. This can help when trying to pitch an idea or have an argument with someone. Linking into why research is needed, it is used a lot when supporting an argument, giving you a strong corner to fight. It also helps when it comes to having to prove something is correct or disprove something giving the viewers a true insight to what is being said.
Who needs it?
A list of main people that will need research is below;
- Book authors; so that their books are as truthful as possible
- Scriptwriters for documentaries; meaning that their shows are real and not being made up meaning false information is given to the audience.
- Interviewers; they need the research to be able to conduct a strong interview with the interviewee.
- Interviewees; they need to be able to give strong knowledgable answers to the interviewer.
Who does the research?
In the film and TV industry, people are hired to perform research gaining more information for the programme or film so they are able to present it to their audiences. These people are sent out to conduct both primary and secondary research using various methods including surveys and interviews. After gathering the information, they then report back to the director and scriptwriter so they are then able to create an informative script for the production.
When researching for my own project where i had to create a 20 minute news programme, i completed a lot of research including using different websites to gather information and also as a group i went and spoke to different members of the public gathering information from the publics point of view. I found this quite easy as i have completed this type of research before during other projects.
Friday, 6 June 2014
SOUNDTRACK - Criteria 5
i didn't use Soundtrack Pro!!
The only reason i didn't use any FOLEY or DIEGETIC SOUND was because i really didn't think that it would create the right emotion for my film. This is why i only used a voiceover and a specific soundtrack. By using a voiceover, the audience can really take note to what the actor is saying and it really brings out the visuals more. Finding a nondiegetic soundtrack to match was difficult but i managed to find a piano cover of the famous song 'Arms of the Angel' which is commonly played at funerals. This can help the audience to relate to the character more.
The only reason i didn't use any FOLEY or DIEGETIC SOUND was because i really didn't think that it would create the right emotion for my film. This is why i only used a voiceover and a specific soundtrack. By using a voiceover, the audience can really take note to what the actor is saying and it really brings out the visuals more. Finding a nondiegetic soundtrack to match was difficult but i managed to find a piano cover of the famous song 'Arms of the Angel' which is commonly played at funerals. This can help the audience to relate to the character more.
CONNECTION - Evaluation
For the past month and a half, I have been creating a ten minute drama just using a single camera. After a lot of consideration, I chose to base my piece around a very common subject that is hard hitting for a lot of the audience. My film portrays the feeling of sadness felt by my character that the fact that she lost both of her parents on the day of her 18th birthday. The film follows Holly on a journey through woods and fields as she goes over how she much she misses her parents and blames herself for their death.
This was an individual piece and is all of my own work. I took on all the roles needed to create this production including Director, Producer, Camera Operator, Editor and Casting Director. With a little help from my colleague Oliver Potter, I was able to create a hard hitting script as well. With the list above, it proves that I undertook a lot of responsibilities during this project but i have to say one of the most challenging roles for me was the camera operator. This is because I didn't fully plan the shots that i wanted to use throughout my film so when it came to the day of filming, I didn't have any idea what i was doing. One of the easiest and most enjoyable jobs i had throughout this process was becoming the editor. Editing is one of my favourite things to do in a production process as i have a wide range of knowledge about Final Cut Pro and was able to apply all of my skills into this project.
I think there are a lot of strengths about my dilm and in my opinion, I think I handled the sensitive storyline very well and in an appropriate manor towards the audience members effected. My actress played the part of the girl better than i expected. As she is taking a BTEC Diploma in Performing Arts, I had confidence that she would be able to portray the correct feelings and emotions and she did but even better. Using different facial expressions to express the feelings really helps the audience understand how the character is feeling. The amount of shots I gained in filming was another one of my strengths because I was able to to have more of a choice when it came to the editing process. During post production, I think the editing process was one of my major strengths because i used a lot of different filters and speed changes to create a more emotional piece. The use of the soundtrack really added more emotion to the voiceover. I really liked the fact that is was an instrumental cover of a famous song as it can relate the audience if they have bad memories of the song.
I will never think that I have a perfect short film because there are some errors in the film breaking the flow on continuity. As i lost part of my footage due to having a broken SD Card, i had to film some of the scenes again. The actor work the same costume but forgot about the hairband on her wrist. It isn't majorly noticeable but i know it is there. In the future, i will make sure that i look very carefully at the actor and what she is wearing before reshooting. Not sticking to my contingency plan was one of my biggest mistakes as it caused to have have to waste time in re-filming some of my film. This caused me to waste a lot of valuable editing time. In the future i will make sure that i save all my footage and sound recordings in more than one place so that if the SD card does break again or even get lost, i will still have the footage i have shot.
Overall i think that this whole project has been a success for me and i am hoping it is worthy of a distinction but that i will not know until results day. I genuinely think that the film could of had a lot of potential to be better but with the time frame that i was given, i am happy to think that i have completed the brief given to me to the best of my ability. I have really enjoyed undertaking more than one role on this individual project because it gave me a better understanding to what it is like in the industry and the pressures they face on a day to day basis. In the future, i would give myself a clearer structured time sheet so i know what I'm going to be doing at all times but overall i think i handled this project really well considering it is the first time i have ever worked on my own.
This was an individual piece and is all of my own work. I took on all the roles needed to create this production including Director, Producer, Camera Operator, Editor and Casting Director. With a little help from my colleague Oliver Potter, I was able to create a hard hitting script as well. With the list above, it proves that I undertook a lot of responsibilities during this project but i have to say one of the most challenging roles for me was the camera operator. This is because I didn't fully plan the shots that i wanted to use throughout my film so when it came to the day of filming, I didn't have any idea what i was doing. One of the easiest and most enjoyable jobs i had throughout this process was becoming the editor. Editing is one of my favourite things to do in a production process as i have a wide range of knowledge about Final Cut Pro and was able to apply all of my skills into this project.
I think there are a lot of strengths about my dilm and in my opinion, I think I handled the sensitive storyline very well and in an appropriate manor towards the audience members effected. My actress played the part of the girl better than i expected. As she is taking a BTEC Diploma in Performing Arts, I had confidence that she would be able to portray the correct feelings and emotions and she did but even better. Using different facial expressions to express the feelings really helps the audience understand how the character is feeling. The amount of shots I gained in filming was another one of my strengths because I was able to to have more of a choice when it came to the editing process. During post production, I think the editing process was one of my major strengths because i used a lot of different filters and speed changes to create a more emotional piece. The use of the soundtrack really added more emotion to the voiceover. I really liked the fact that is was an instrumental cover of a famous song as it can relate the audience if they have bad memories of the song.
I will never think that I have a perfect short film because there are some errors in the film breaking the flow on continuity. As i lost part of my footage due to having a broken SD Card, i had to film some of the scenes again. The actor work the same costume but forgot about the hairband on her wrist. It isn't majorly noticeable but i know it is there. In the future, i will make sure that i look very carefully at the actor and what she is wearing before reshooting. Not sticking to my contingency plan was one of my biggest mistakes as it caused to have have to waste time in re-filming some of my film. This caused me to waste a lot of valuable editing time. In the future i will make sure that i save all my footage and sound recordings in more than one place so that if the SD card does break again or even get lost, i will still have the footage i have shot.
Overall i think that this whole project has been a success for me and i am hoping it is worthy of a distinction but that i will not know until results day. I genuinely think that the film could of had a lot of potential to be better but with the time frame that i was given, i am happy to think that i have completed the brief given to me to the best of my ability. I have really enjoyed undertaking more than one role on this individual project because it gave me a better understanding to what it is like in the industry and the pressures they face on a day to day basis. In the future, i would give myself a clearer structured time sheet so i know what I'm going to be doing at all times but overall i think i handled this project really well considering it is the first time i have ever worked on my own.
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