Thursday, 13 February 2014

Notes for Blake Snyder Beat Sheet - BS2

Figure in brackets - Minutes.. E.g. (5) - Fifth Minute.

Breakdown of BS2

Opening Scene (1);
We need to establish the world in which the story is set in and making a promise to the audience this is where the film is mainly set.

Theme Stated (5);
A character should state the theme of the movie. Say the point of why the audience are watching the film.
- 'Men and women can't be friends because sex always gets in the way' - When Harry Met Sally
- 'With great power comes great responsibility' - Theme of all Spiderman movies.
- 'Make each day count' - Jack Dawson Titanic

Set-Up (1-10);
Establish what the characters world is like before the story starts. Create things that need fixing up about the character that can be fixed throughout the film.

Catalyst (12);
Something punchy and that can really kick your film off. CANT be shown to early because it can confuse the audience and won't look right in the film.

Debate (12-25);
This is what happens between being introduced and it actually paying off.
- 'When being told about the sergeant job then actually getting to the hotel in the new town.' - Hot Fuzz

Break into Two (25);
Beginning breaking into the middle scene. The difference between them.

B Story (30);
(Background Story) - Dropping in a story about another character is there is one. 

Fun and Games (30-55);
'The Promise of the Premise' - The reason the audience brought the ticket.
'Jim Carrey has to say yes to everything even though he doesn't want too' - Yes Man

MidPoint (55);
Middle is the longest point of the film. Increase the level of threat, make the audience more interested.

Bad Guys Close In (55-75);
Where the bad guys get the upper hand. Become strongest in the film. A build up to everything going wrong.

All Is Lost (75);
This is when something really bad happens to your protagonist. Lowest point of the characters life throughout the film.

Dark Night of the Soul (75-85);
Once the protagonist has lost everything, they wallow in their misery and be all depressed.

Break into Three (85);
Breaking into the finale, push away all the depression and sympathy and try and change the way their life is turning out.

Finale (85-110);
The problems get killed off in ascending order, ending with the most difficult.

Final Image (110);
This is how things are now.

3 Act Structure 
Beginning - Opening scene > Debate - 
Middle - Double the amount of time of the beginning and the end
End -  

Example using the 'Harry Potter' Films 
Beginning - Dursleys
Middle - Hogwarts 
End - 
The difference between the beginning and the middle is that there is a complete difference between the locations and what happens there. 

BreakDown of ModernFilms
Tools > Beat Sheet

Obesity Vt Finished Product

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Visual Storytelling

- Direction of Movement; 
    - left to right is more assuring for the audience
    - Protagonist always gets introduced from the left as it relates more to the norm
- Directing the Eye;
    - Lines for the eyes to follow (road with loads of cars)
    - Lighting
    - Colours
    - Character Eyelines
    - Change of Focus
    - Space around the object
- Balance;
    - The human eye is always looking for symmetry
    - Can be changed by simply changing the frame
- Orientation;
    - By using reflections, you can introduce an antagonist upside down without any confusing.
- Size;
    - What ever size something is, you can change it.